Be prepared: How to Stay Safe and Handle an Emergency Abroad
Travelling overseas is exciting, a little daunting, and for some, downright scary. While planning ahead of your trip, don’t forget to plan the most important aspect of travel – your safety. An overseas adventure is about having fun and enjoying yourself, but being responsible at the same time. There are many unforeseen challenges you may be exposed to while travelling abroad – losing important documents, illness, an accident, becoming the victim of crime, or even a natural disaster – all of which are sometimes unavoidable.
Here are some tips on how to stay safe and handle an emergency when travelling abroad.
Take out travel insurance
This is important as it will cover all the basics while you’re in another country. This includes cover for potential cancellation or delay of your flight, travel medical cover, as well as lost luggage.
Always be attentive
Empower yourself by being vigilant when exploring new places – it is important to remain aware of what is going on around you. Be prepared, keep alert, and use your common sense, which is your most valuable form of protection.
Share your whereabouts with close family and friends
Make sure that someone close to you is aware of your movements and expected arrivals and departures. You can share your flight and accommodation details with them, and remember to leave them with a contact number too – in case they need to get in touch with you urgently.
Carry an emergency travel pack
There are no fixed items that need to be included in this pack, but the most important ones are definitely medical items and personal documentation. A few other items that should be included in this pack are:
Multiple copies of your passport, visa, electronic air ticket and home country’s driver’s license or ID;
An emergency / first aid kit and a copy of your insurance information;
Printed copies of area maps of your destination and/or other places you may visit.
Dealing with crime
Travelling overseas doesn’t mean you and your belongings are safer than they are at home, so extra care should be taken.
Always report a crime to the local police department as the police report is needed for any insurance claims. If you experience theft of important travel documents like your visa or passport, take a copy of the police report to the nearest South African Embassy, where you will then be able to apply for a temporary passport/emergency travel document.