Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

This is designed to provide a standard of moral behaviour by which program participants are expected to govern themselves.

Our best recommendation for testing the propriety of any action is to ask yourself, “If this particular activity were to be known by the general public, would I still engage in it? Or, would doing so bring dishonour upon myself, my family, and the outstanding reputation of this program and the employer?”

Regarding the Laws enacted by the United States of America:

Participants are obligated to comply with all applicable Federal, State, and Local laws and/or regulations. While it is not practical to list all laws to which individuals are subject, the following violations shall provide example:

  • Underage consumption of alcohol – the legal age for the consumption of alcohol in the United States is 21 years

  • Trespassing on private property

  • Theft of or damage to public property (i.e. stealing traffic signs, breaking windows, graffiti)

  • Theft of private property (i.e. jewelry, money, valuables)

  • Falsifying information provided to government agencies (i.e. Immigration & Naturalization, Internal Revenue Services, Social Security Administration)

Regarding the Rules and Regulations enacted by the employer:

Participants are obligated to comply with and uphold all policies and procedures of the employer. While it is not practical to list all policies and procedures to which individuals are subject, the following violations shall provide example:

  • Damage to employer’s property (i.e. crashing a golf cart, carelessly breaking equipment)

  • Theft of employer’s property (i.e. unauthorized consumption of food, unauthorized telephone calls/internet use, outright stealing of food, liquor, china, silver, etc.)

  • Drinking whilst on duty

This code is not the exclusive source of the employer’s standards or policies and should be regarded as an addition to all other rules and regulations. Nor is this code entirely inclusive, no one statement can satisfactorily cover all questionable situations and circumstances.

Nevertheless, certain criteria are helpful in determining the propriety of a particular activity. Most individuals have a keen awareness of “right” and “wrong” and possess enough common sense to act accordingly. Representatives of the employer or Workaway International are neither your guardians nor your keepers.

You and you alone are responsible for your conduct and your own physical well-being.


As an adult (18 years or older), if you are arrested and/or incarcerated for any reason, neither the employer nor Workaway International has the authority or obligation to act as your legal guardian.